Monday, January 16, 2012

Things that we have learned so far....

We have learned a lot of valuable lessons living in the RV. First, we are learning how to stay organized.  It took a lot of time to get everything into our small space but it takes a lot of effort everyday to keep things organized.  Second, we have learned to tie everything can really get windy here!  Our BIGGEST and MOST important lesson for this month:

If you see this face around:
Double, no triple check everything you did and plan on doing!! (esp if you are cleaning out the pooper!!)! i have to report that a few days ago, Jason was cleaning out our black water tank....for all you Chevy Chase fans out there : "our Shitter was full!" Nicholas was "helping" while riding bikes and playing with his trucks. Jason called everyone away from the area (for the 10th time) and he turned the cleaning pump on....the hose that is ALWAYS clipped on tight busted off and black water poured out everywhere! I yelled "JASON" and Jason yelled a few words I will not type! Needless to say, there was stuff everywhere and it smelled horrid! After a few moments of "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!!!" Jason started to ask what??? how??? Nicholas fessed up that his bike got stuck and the back tire made the hose pop off! I quickly lead Nicholas away from the crime I foresaw Jason saying and doing something to his only son he would later regret! Kids inside Jason quickly got everythig cleaned up!! What a hero! We now have a saying....when Nicholas is around expect SOMETHING to happen!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

How we are living....

So, here is the inside of our new home!  A lot of people were curious how we are living, or should I say surviving, in an RV with 3 small kids.  I've taken a lot of pictures of the inside to show you around. Have fun peeking into our simple life!

Here is a view of the living can see our front door on the righthand side.  Up the stairs is the master bedroom and master bath.

Here is a view standing at the front door....the kitchen and love seat

Standing at the love seat to show the other side of the living room.  We have a long table we can put in  when we want to have a big family dinner.  Right now the kids eat at the bar.  The weather has been so nice we can also eat outside.
Standing on the step to our room looking at the livingroom/kitchen.  You can see Katie's loft...she is up there cleaning her room. If you walk through the sliding glass door you will be in the garage/playroom/Nicholas and Natalie's room.
Katie up in her loft...playing her DS
When we went looking for an RV we decided to go with a Toy Hauler instead of one with an extra bedroom.  The toy hauler will grow with us.  Right now we can use it as a bedroom...and as  you can see it fits Natalie's full size crib and then still has room for queen bunks to slide down.  Later, when the kids are bigger and we are just using it for trips we can bring bigger kid toys along with us.  :)

more views of the toy room.  There is even a half bath.  The view on the bottom is right next to the sliding glass door.  Above is Katie's loft and in the back is a door that folds down so you can drive in toys.  it also can be used as a deck with a gate that goes all the way around.  The 2 queen bunks are up right now but at night we can slide one down and that is where Nicholas sleeps.  So, during the day it is our playroom! 
The Master bedroom.  Jason and I have a queen bed.  There isn't much room beyond the bed....but we are cozy! The mirror doors is the only cloest in the RV...this was a BIG adjustment.  Getting 5 people's clothing into one closet....well, I had to be organized!

Our cozy bed
The closet...each kid has their own plastic drawer with a few things hung.  Jason and I have items hung.  We also have a storage unit off base....this was a must because we had some items in the house we just couldn't get rid of.  Also, Jason has a LOT of military uniforms....he needs a whole closet just for those.  So, the next best thing was to store the ones he is not using until he needs them. 
And here is my dresser. I had to have a way to organize the computer stuff and all the school stuff that comes home in the kids folders....this is my system.  right works. 

So, this is how we are living!  our system makes us stay organized and picked up because as you can see there is not much room to have things out.   :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Christmas in the RV

Christmas in the RV was an adjustment. This is the first year that we did not get a real tree. I think Jason took it the hardest. I went searching for something that would fit in our small area. Thank goodness for the dollar store. There it was...our $12 4 foot "Charlie Brown" tree. The kids LOVED shopping for mini decorations for it and the RV. You would have thought they were decorating for the Queen....when they were done it was perfect in their eyes!! A lesson I learned from my kids this season: it doesn't matter how big, how beautiful or what it is perfect to them because we did it together!! I think they are getting this simple life and all the life lessons faster than I expected!! :)

Oh, the simple life....

So, on December 1, 2011 we decided to take on a huge life changing adventure.  After a long 6 months of researching the RV life and crunching numbers we bought a Cyclone 3800.  It is a 5th wheel/toy hauler.  Yes, I know what you are thinking.  WHAT, YOU ARE LIVING IN AN RV WITH 3 KIDS!?!?!? ARE YOU NUTS!?!?!  Well, I guess we are, just a little. 

After living the Military life for 8 years we have lived in just as many houses and towns.  With every move and as our family has grown we have moved into a larger house each time.  This last move we moved into a two story house that had so much room that we could all get lost in our own space.  The big problem, no one wanted to live in their own space.  We found that everyone wanted to be in just the family room...all playing, making noise, fighting, eating, talking, singing and dancing....awww, the sounds of a happy family.  Meanwhile, we were paying for all that empty space in the other half of the house.  That got us to thinking.  At first we thought about moving into a smaller house.  (oh the joys of being are never in one place for too long!) Then some friends of ours bought an rv to live in because they wanted to become dept free.  After months of teasing them it got us to thinking, "Hey, they have a great idea!!!"  We then started shopping for something that was just right for our family, researched, crunched the numbers and then prayed about it for almost 6 months.  We then sold all of our furniture, weeded out toys and clothing, and finally cleaned out all of our junk drawers and closets.  I am proud to say we are junk free and on the road to being 100% debt free.  Our biggest goal for our 2-3 year adventure is to save up for our dream house when Jason gets out of the Navy.  Our hope and dream is to buy land and build that house we have always wanted to build. In the mean time,   our second goal is to teach our children that we can be a loving family with less stuff.  Our children have never been in need of anything.  It is my wish that they learn that family outings are gifts just as a toy would be.